We're pleased to introduce Dark Mode for the Ironforge dashboard and enhanced security features for RPC endpoints, incorporating both token and JWT-based authentication.
Dark Mode
The Ironforge dashboard now supports Dark Mode, aimed at minimizing eye strain and enhancing visibility during low-light conditions. This option is available throughout the dashboard to ensure a seamless and comfortable user experience for everyone.
Enhanced Security for RPC Endpoints
Continuing with our commitment to robust security, we are rolling out additional security measures for RPC endpoints.
Token-Based Authentication
Token-based authentication is now available for RPC endpoints, enabling secure endpoint access through unique tokens. This layer of security ensures that RPC endpoints are accessible only by authorized applications.
JWT-Based Authentication
Furthermore, we've implemented JWT-based authentication for RPC endpoints. This method employs JSON Web Tokens to authenticate and authorize requests, offering a secure and scalable solution for endpoint protection.
What’s Next
Our next update will introduce "Dynamic Routing," a flexible routing mechanism for RPC endpoints. This feature allows for the definition of custom routing rules, granting enhanced control over request handling. Stay informed about our latest updates by following us on Twitter.