
Learn how to configure rules for your firewall

You can use the Firewall feature in 2 different ways:

  • Default Mode: In this mode, all requests are allowed by default and you can create rules to block specific requests.
  • Firewall Mode: In this mode, all requests are blocked by default and you can create rules to allow specific requests.

To toggle between these modes, you can use the toggle button on the top right corner of the Firewall section on the Ironforge dashboard.

Screenshot of Firewall Mode

Rules consist of the Conditions that must be met before an Action is taken. You can configure multiple conditions and also choose the Action to be taken if the conditions are met.

This level of customization allows you to create complex rules that meet your requirements.

How to setup a rule

  1. Log in to your Ironforge account and go to the Firewall section.
  2. You will find a "+ New Rule" button on the top right corner of the page, click on it. Here you can define the conditions for your rule.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to add the Conditions and the Action to be taken if the conditions are matched. The conditions allow featurns like IP Whitelisting, Program Address Whitelisting, etc.
  4. The Action can be to "Bypass", "Deny", "Rate Limit" or "Log" the request.
  5. You can also explain what your requirements are and then click on the "Generate with AI" button and it will automatically generate the conditions for you.
  6. Once you are done configuring the conditions then click on the "Create" button on the bottom right corner of the page.

You can now see your rule in the list of rules. You can turn it on or off, edit or delete it as per your requirements from the Firewall section on the Ironforge dashboard.


Each rule can have multiple conditions which can lead to a complex rule custom tailored to your requirements. We provide a huge list of conditions that you can use to create your rule.

  • Select a condition type from the dropdown menu. Options include:

    • JA4
    • Cluster
    • IP Address
    • Project
    • City
    • Country
    • User Agent
    • Hostname
    • Protocol
    • HTTP Method
    • API Key
    • JWT Public Key
    • Auth Token
    • RPC Method
    • Program Address
  • Choose a comparison operator:

    • Equals
    • Does not equal
    • Is any of
    • Is not any of

    In the case of the Is any of and Is not any of operators, you can enter multiple values separated by commas without spaces.

  • Enter the value to compare against.

  • Click "+ Add condition" to include multiple conditions.


Actions are the steps that will be taken if the conditions are met. You can choose from the following actions:

  • Bypass: Allow the request to reach the RPC endpoint without any further checks.
  • Deny: Block the request from reaching the RPC endpoint.
  • Rate Limit: Limit the number of requests over a period of time with the option to set a Fixed Window or Sliding Window rate limiting.
  • Log: Log the request. This is useful for debugging and monitoring purposes.