
Monitoring and finding exact information to solve your transaction landing issues.

You will find the following metrics in the Analytics tab under the Transactions section in the Ironforge dashboard:

Screenshot of Transaction Analytics


  1. Performance Overview:

This showcases all your transactions and how they are performing. You can find 3 types of transactions here:

  • Successful Transactions: Transactions that landed successfully on Solana.
  • Error Transactions: Transactions that landed but failed due to smart contract issues. For eg. if you are swapping and the slippage goes beyond the limit, the transaction will fail.
  • Not Found Transactions: Transactions that were not found on Solana Network.

This metric can help you understand the health of your transactions, how many are not landing, or how many are landing with errors.

  1. Priority Fee:

This metric shows the priority fee you paid for each transaction along with the median priority fee at that time. This can help you to understand how much you are paying for each transaction and how you can optimize it. Underpaying priority fees can affect your transaction landing rate.

Here is a guide to understand how to use priority fees on Solana:

  1. Compute Units:

This metric shows a graph comparing how much compute units you are requesting and how much you are using. This can help you to understand how much compute units you are using and how you can optimize it. You can significantly improve your txn landing rate by optimizing the compute units.

Here are a couple guides to help you optimize your compute units:

  1. Potential Savings:

You can save a lot of money by optimizing your transactions. This metric shows you how much you can save by optimizing your transactions. This can help you to understand how much you can save by optimizing your transactions.

  1. Transaction Latency:

We calculate the latency in terms of p50, p90, and p99. This gives you an idea of how your users are experiencing the transaction confirmation time.

  1. Errors:

No one likes errors, but its important to know what went wrong. We help you track the error occurences over time and also what type of errors are happening and their frequency.

Recommended Guides to Optimize your Transactions